Wednesday 24 October 2018

Twitter, a recipe for conflict

Subject: Twitter, a recipe for conflict.

The rise of Twitter as a debating chamber has soured and debased the concept of a debate. A debate is the assembly of facts and figures to oppose a point of view. It is not a slanging match where the very mention of something propels someone else into vitriolic rage.
Our society has been damaged by the rise of extremism both left and right since either way, left and right the ideology takes over and the common ground of compromise is difficult if not impossible. One doesn't have to be a fence sitting centralist to have the view that the other viewpoint has merit. Our views on anything are but distortions of fact since emotions play such an important part in our thought process. The right and wrong relies on ones overall view of society and the people who make up your specific segment of society.
It's one of the strains in any society that people coming into a society usually bring their own views views founded on their own life experience. When the gap in the life experience is wide then the assumptions you usually make, the give and take you offer in conversation can sometimes be difficult. This usually doesn't happen on the street where we are all engrossed in more or less the same things. The cost of this, the lack of that, whether Arsenal are a better side than Spurs. It's only when the spokes-person of a  group who's life experience is different, puts forward an argument based on that experience do we become disengaged. We accept that their experience is different and we also sympathise if the result brings hardship but the very fact that we have little or no reference points and have encapsulated their condition as a group thing, then we have disassociated our self from many of the solutions.
Group think, be it 'white', 'black', 'fat', 'thin', 'functional', 'dysfunctional', the list goes on and there is a tendency for disharmony to grow if only because we don't relate to each other.
Twitter gives a voice to this pent up rage and people start to hurl insults back and forth. It reveals a cancer in the body politique of society which, having been dissuaded by Mrs Thatcher of the importance of what society means, we are left with literally no cohesion, only a set of conflicting interests.

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