Wednesday 24 October 2018

Trump mania

Subject: Trump mania.

To say America, as a nation is becoming more polarised each day is to state the obvious. The identity of an American citizen is being manipulated by political pressure as never before as the ideological stress of believing in open, consultative, all embracing government is set against an evangelical patriarchy who's belief system is dead set against the progress which even the simplistic  minority needs are addressed.
The inroads which many minority sections within the society, the gay and lesbian, the right to an abortion and the feminist movement as a whole, the libertarian, the immigrant all these groups who have come to the fore in the last 20 or so years have been an anathema to the blue collar worker who has seen 'his America' change out of all recognition.
Change is difficult for everyone especially if felt to be imposed for ideological or economic reasons. The large swathes of people, not only in America but in this country and in Europe who have seen their lives and their sensibilities change through forces over which they have no control and who's  desperation lies in not only being unable to understand why, but in not being told or, if told, told  in a patronising fashion that these changes were all to their benefit "just wait you'll see". There was little discourse, little debate, it was all in the hands of their "betters" and they felt impotent as more and more groups emerged through the social substructure to gain a hearing, in a way the rust belt worker had never experienced.
It's a convolution of everything which had gone before. The Republican becoming the voice of the forgotten 'industrial' worker who had made America, truly Great.
It was the workers in the shipyards and the manufacturing industries which turned the tide of the war in 1943. They built the ships and the planes, the tanks and the guns which equipped the armies fighting the Germans. These were the people who built the domestic gadgets and equipment that flooded the world after the war was over, but these were also the people who were constrained to the scrap heap as the Web provided communication to build and manufacture anywhere in the world at a fraction of the cost.
As society reinvented itself the nuts and bolts brigade was replaced by lighter more feely industries such as fashion design and artistic pursuits which required a different mind set, more feminist, more light touch. As these people gained prominence their needs became mainstream and the Joe who felt proud to sweat in a foundry or work to the rhythm of a production line became like the coelacanth, a living fossil, and all of a sudden another Stone Age dinosaur arose out of the prehistoric sub-stream to demand a 'new -old' order. Trump mania had arrived.

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