Wednesday 24 October 2018

A life outside the froth of entertainment

Subject: A life outside the froth of entertainment.

I always thought that people who went to university were intellectually superior, that their education would give them a better grasp of life and the way things work.
Obviously the specific subject studied apart, one would think that mixing with intelligent people in the university campus and developing new ways to think about subject matter would produce a mind which was able to turn its attention to any subject and hone it down to the bone and define it in such a way that a non educated person could never do.
The classical world dreamt of peopling the state and by the state it meant its government , with intellectuals who, having attained the tools of logic could dissect any problem and like a mechanic striping and rebuilding an engine would make it better than the original. Without knowledge the motor mechanic or the plumber, the baker and candlestick maker would be unable to fulfil the roles they usually do. But somehow with the intellectual there seems a lethargy after attaining the skill, to go on using it.
Is the intellect something so ethereal that having read the tombs and written our answers on the exam paper we forget it all and become immersed in the ordinary, the common place, the nonintellectual spontaneity of real life with its mundane everyday event. Does the intellectual become blunted by actual s the actual lack of control, the actual improbability of finding and improving solutions to every day living.
Men and women carry around in their heads so much personal experience, so much collaborating wisdom that you would have thought they would be bursting to speak out and have opinions about what is going on around them. 

But no we seem to dumb down on purpose, only the trivia of a football result or last nights exhibition of flesh on the television can excite a comment or any sort of passion.
The real conundrums of our world are like those areas of the mind which we deliberately avoid, where to spend time thinking and debating would somehow taint our concept of having a good time, which we must not sully at any cost.  Using our innate intelligence to discuss and come up with ideas perhaps even solutions for a life, outside the froth of entertainment would be no bad thing.

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