Saturday 27 October 2018

Ideological mistrust on a national scale

Subject: FW: Ideological mistrust on a nation scale.

Is it just my sceptical mind but why have non of the bombs directed at a host of Democratic big wigs not gone off. I think the last count was 8 explosive devices sent to people like the Clinton's and Obama, the actor De Niro and Donald Trumps pain in the neck the media network CNN. Nothing has exploded and one begins to worry, was this a serious attack or just fake news to exploited the run up to the mid term election
With the elections just a week away is this some electoral jiggery pokery by the Democrats to stir the pot or was it a Republican shot across the bows to remind everyone what the stakes are in this divisive country.

Listening to the electorate in a democrat state and then in a republican state is to hear the effect of political prejudice writ large. There is no give and take only a sense of deep vitriol. An unwillingness to listen to the other side on any issue and it is an example of the power of the media to drive people into a state of total intolerance. There was always pockets of political bigotry. States who had a tradition of being resolutely Democratic or Republican tend to produce as if by osmosis generations of similar voting patterns but today's intolerance seems to boarder on hatred in a way in the past it didn't. People rubbed shoulders with each other and differed as to the cause of this and that but saw in their environmental commonality much to agree on. Today fed a diet of false news about the other side it's made them the number one enemy. There is no room for rational discussion since the other side is painted in such lurid colours. It's like the McCarthy Era where the witch hunt against people accused of being communist drove many people to inform with stories which carried little or no truth but it was enough to ruin careers and lives with a population brought to a fever pitch  by Joseph McCarthy the Republican Senator for Wisconsin who's television denouncement were the 1950s equivalent of Jeremy Kyle with one difference. Kyle's targets are societies impoverished underbelly whilst McCarthy went after the rich and famous. The point is that the media trashed many innocent people by setting the agenda for what people thought.
The inability to see past what they have been brainwashed into believing is a phenomenon which then and now is extremely powerful and equally dangerous.

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