Saturday 27 October 2018

The new untouchables

Subject: FW: The new untouchable

As the world view becomes more analytical and statistics are used to find a norm or a mean position to represent mankind, what happens to those who fall outside the statistical profile. As computers crunch the numbers and the individual becomes part of an algorithm which has no way of distinguishing him or her from what the mathematically deduced profile produces, where is the 'you and I' in all this.
"Big Brother" used to play down the peculiarities of the individual for a society manipulated by the committee for the sake of the committees definition of what was good for us. The old fashioned values such as a personal evaluation based on ethical assumptions of the way people should act is set aside for the 'mind speak' of what others know is best for us.
This lack of feeling that we have collaborated to the collective view, set out in our newspapers and media utterances by the political elite especially so if we opposed the route taken by those who represent us, then more and more the individual becomes sidelined and irrelevant.
As Artificial Intelligence makes more and more decisions based on the mathematical modelling which is the soul of the AI project then that intangible, the conflict between ethical morality and the cash becomes blurred.
This morning the mist cleared. No individual was to blame for the death of Jamal Khashoggi, the Crown Prince moved smoothly amongst his sycophants, people who smell the money and are not put off by questions of ethical morality. It was business as usual, and all so predictable.

In the opulence of the hotel, the very hotel where the Crown Prince had locked up all his opposition a year ago, this intolerant  tyrant who's reach lies even into the diplomatic fabric of countries outside his own had the effrontery to pose himself in front of the cameras shaking hands with the son of the man he had had murdered two weeks before. So strong is the fear of reprisal against this narcissist that the strained look of terror on the young man's face as he shook hands with his fathers murderer said it all. As businessmen got down to glad-handing the camel traders, elevated by the black gold beneath their feet, into people of importance and who's largesse the balance sheets of London and Wall Street will reflect when the market opens this morning we witnessed the final irrelevance of the individual on this global stage.

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