Wednesday 24 October 2018

Making us poorer as human beings.

Subject: Making us poorer as human beings.

Do countries that have encouraged "political correctness" share some sort of moral high ground or has it exposed the fact that certain countries have a propensity to be sucked into moralising over subjects rather than seeing the world as a place of realpolitik, a place of real actual bread and butter politics without the philosophical overturn in which people beat themselves up moralising how things "should" be.
As we settle into realising that Trump has won and that all our disdain for the man elected to the Supreme Court has meant nothing. Worse. That the Republican Right have been galvanised out of their dislike of Trump to rally against those who they see as the real enemy, the Democratic Party with their supposed wish washy ideas about the "rights" of individuals when set against the rights of the corporation.
The impassioned "we too" movement with its collegiate feminism has driven fear into the male cohort who's boyhood past is being used to accuse them by using standards of behaviour which were different when "they" were boys but which in today's ever so sexually definitive time are now judged heinous.
The imperative of fighting the good fight against the rights of individuals and especially the rights of women has raised the political temperature. The fundamentalist who's repugnance of unfettered abortion. The rust belt, out of work family who, as they see it, have suffered decades of Democratic indifference under Clinton and Obama, then the 'America First' policy of Mr Trump rings true and no matter that the Capitalists are given the tax breaks, they believe the caveat that these tax breaks will filter down in the form of investment and jobs is as real as the liberals promise.
Of course ideology, doctrine, creed, dogma are all descriptions of a mind set which ignores the reality that civilisation means more than just being pragmatic. As human beings we have come a long way from the cave dweller, we have developed what seem innate sensitivities, even sensitivity to ideas which we might not approve but which we approve for others.
Our fear of realpolitik is that it's practicality obscures the other important considerations and values which in the end make us poorer as human beings.

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