Wednesday 24 October 2018

Did he or didn't he

Subject: Did he or didn't he.

There are few moments when you see a politician with their guard down. Even less the sight of a high court judge, visibly unhinged, one moment nearly sobbing as he read out his prepared text the next his face contorted with anger and disdain.
The man President Trump wishes to promote to the highest judicial post in America where decisions on matters of law can effect the passage of jurisprudence for decades to come I found chillingly emotionally incompetent. Heaven help the man or woman who comes before him when he is having a bad day.
The hearing in Congress to adjudicate on the accusations that he molested a woman who also appeared in front of the committee to give her evidence achieved moments of high farce and shrill vitriol from Senators who are supposed to represent all that is civilised in American politics. Some on the Republican side were almost incoherent in their condemnation of the Democratic proposition that the FBI be given the time to investigate properly each accusation by properly interrogating witnesses who were not at the hearing but who's testimony would be crucial to finding who did what to whom.
It was a spat of two parts. The first when the plaintive gave her testimony of what had happened to her more than 30 years ago. Her demeanour and clarity in what she had to say was telling and one would have thought this an open and shut case. In the second part the judge came out swinging. He became almost incoherent in his condemnation of the claims laid against him and to my mind appeared as far from being 'judge material', let alone to be elected to the highest court in the land. He was more representative of a uncontrolled football fan who's judgement was unhinged when the opposition scored a goal.
The political hatred was clear to see particularly in the Republican camp and one wonders, with so much ideological angst how any sort of rational government can take place in America today.

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