Wednesday 24 October 2018

Showing the country two fingers

Subject: Showing the country "two fingers".

So what are we saying. Are we saying that irrespective that the plaintive seemed totally believable to virtually every viewer who watched the 'Senate Hearing' to confirm or deny the confirmation of Judge Kavenaugh, that we must put that behind us and follow the Senators political will and confirm a man who on the day lost all credibility.
As the so called leader of the free world with its magnificent constitution drawn up as a document to ensure that the rights of citizens should receive justice, should we throw all that away and settle for the blatant angry hypocrisy shown by the Republican Senators who were determined to have their man installed no matter what. It mattered to them since the loophole in the constitution is the power placed on the judiciary to influence basic human rights within the country. The prejudice and bias of a panel of judges overrules the political consequences of the people through the ballot box. The judges are beyond reach of the will of the people and in its wish to contrive a procedure which balances the wishes of the people with what might be called 'justice for the people' these men on the Supreme Court bench can slew the concept of justice in a way the people would not wish and therefore the whole process seem to be counter intuitive.
The anger and the hubris shown by the Republican Congressmen in Congress that day was truly awful. Like spoilt children they depicted the worst of people who are used to power and getting their own way. It showed the weakness in the democratic process when that process elects people from backgrounds of wealth and privilege, who's contact with real life in their respective States would be at best, third hand.
It seems as if the sop thrown to the plaintive, an FBI investigation, was so contrived by the White House and the Republican Party to be virtually worthless since not only the time scale, the very limited time to investigate, seven days, but worse the limit placed on  who the FBI could be investigated.
 It was a sham,  and to the shame of America it was a sham which was out in the open the Senators were in effect showing their country "two fingers".

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