Wednesday 29 May 2019

Watchful waiting

Subject: Watchful waiting.
The metaphysical conundrum. 
Seeking answers in the realm of science rather than metaphysics has produced a growing scepticism in faith based reasons as to the why and the when. As science developed the tools of analytical reasoning, backed up by clever experiments to confirm that reasoning, the substance of religious reasoning, other than for the converted has greatly diminished.
And yet there are many questions which science is ill fitted to answer. How do we test morals or ethics for instance, love or hate, emotions in general or are these not perhaps part of the real world but only refinements to the way we think about ourselves. 
Thinking is another area that defies science. Science can define the electro/chemical process when we think but what that process is when it interplays with the brain to give us thoughts, is clearly metaphysical. 
The human mind has given us God, Allah, Brahma, and a host of quasi figures, which act as  counterpoints to the experienced reality here on earth. Like mirror images to our quest to answer the moral and ethical questions which confront us, we invoke a Realm beyond our worldly comprehension, a construct of our troubled minds as we seek answers to the question of life and death and our personal relevance whilst we live. 
The Greeks had representative gods to stand answerable for fire, wind and wave they consorted with their gods to find satisfactory answers to the questions which plagued them. The God of Abraham and of Mohammed is an extension of this way of thinking, whilst for the Hindu, Brahmin offers a concept of a 'Cosmic Force' which plays the role of a backdrop to life and the Hindus passage through it.
The mind plays tricks on us. Unsupported it constructs thoughts which have in some cases a practical application and in others are hallucinatory, a fantasy born of over stimulated synapses and chemical distortions. What is real and what is unreal is a matter for the individual and their early insertion into some sort of taught response. Inevitably comes down to the fact that we are individuals, some wafted by a notional ethereal wind, others conflicted by the thought patriarchal penance prefer to plant their thoughts here on earth, practicing 'watchful waiting' to see how things turn out. 

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