Friday 31 May 2019

Protecting us from our worst excesses

Subject: Protecting us from our worst excesses.

We seem blighted with a curse. We seem repeatedly prepared to let others take the lead in the running of critical aspects of our national infrastructure.
Our water companies, electricity supply companies, our gas supply companies are all run by foreign companies. Our airports are in part or whole owned overseas, our research and investment comes ever more from overseas sources, some of them with dubious records regarding human rights and worker rights in the country of origin.

The decision today to grant Huawei, the Chinese telecoms giant, access into our telecommunications network by engaging them in the building of the new 5g network is another example of faulty decision making by our public school orientated elite. For them when the national interest clashes with private, personal interest there's only one outcome, and they were never very good at seeing 5 years down the line. Cash in hand and a quick trip to the casino for a bet was more their kind of thing.
With Huawei's inevitable link to the Chinese government, all authoritarian governments demand this of their so called independent technology giants to ensure that control is never far from the seat of power. It's worth noting that China never reciprocates in allowing foreign companies to take part in any sensitive infrastructure in china, which must tell you something. 
The fear we have of Russia, another authoritarian government interfering with our electoral process and the apparently unstoppable high jacking of bank accounts should tell us to beware of foreign involvement but no, not here. Here we go against the advice of the Australians, the USA, Europe in our perverse "we know what's best". 
Clearly we do not, having fallen further and further behind in being the masters of our own destiny. So many industries which we led are now sold to us at exorbitant prices, take nuclear power generation where we are beholden to the French the Japanese and the Chinese to provide our next nuclear power plant. Where did all our know how go, all our R&D, all those companies and workers with cutting edge skills, all dissipated on the wheel of a quick buck won in the derivatives market.
Cyber space is scary enough. Artificial intelligence is just around the corner with the implications to drive our every decision making thought process with algorithms derived by computers and transmitted along the networks we want to give to the Chinese to build. Ask the countries who were lured with cheap loans and who now find themselves with the Chinese not only owning but controlling strategic assets like ports and airfields. Not well known for their human rights when practiced in their own country how less so will ours be when the Chinese start calling the shots.
It's a new technological dawn and we should proceed with great caution. The ink quill pushers from Eaton, schooled in Latin and Greek are hardly the future thinkers we need to protect our integrity going into the future. 
Boris Johnson has become, once again the favourite to become the next Prime Minister and it says something of the intellectual grasp of those members of the Tory Party, who will be the power behind his election, are willing to countenance his election,  given his inarticulate grasp of the portfolios handed to him by Mrs May last year.
Heaven protect us from this class riven elite, who for century's have made it their mission to be in power in this country, a country which has become a laughing stock in the eyes of others.
Perhaps our safest haven will be to remain in the EU who will at least protect us from our worst excesses.

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