Friday 31 May 2019

Minority angst

Subject: Minority angst 

The Americans are, once again, hell bent on destabilising a country in South America. Its been part of CIAs modus operandi to interfere with national governments, particularly in Latin America where through the  Munro Doctrine, which came into being to prevent European governments from interfering in the countries of South America as a basis of ridding the Americas of Spanish, Portuguese and British interference in the 1850s, has continued to root out what it doesn't agree with.  It unfortunately has seen the protection of right wing governments, for instance in Chile  (Pinochet) and and the undermining of left wing governments, famously Fidel Castro's left wing government in Cuba. 
There have been many instances of US pressure, both militarily and financial pressure  on those countries it approved, or disapproved of and it makes a mockery of the recent American protest of Russian interference through so called, 'fake news' on the internet and used to destabilise the recent American election.
Venezuela is the latest country to suffer the destabilising effects of American Imperialism. The hawks under President Trump, Mike Pompeo, and John Bolton are actively supporting the so called, heir apparent, Juan Guaido to unseat the elected head of government President Madura. 

 When Hugo Chavez  died, and Nicolas Madura succeeded him.  Chavez, a charismatic left wing hero amongst his people had been a thorn in the side of the American administration, much as Castro had been in Cuba and
a dirty tricks campaign was by started by Washington to ensure that Venezuela failed financially and that Madura would be blamed.
Iraq, and Libya, are prime examples of the disaster which occurs when overt pressure is put upon countries to effect regime change. Ousting leaders who knew the conflicting pressure within their country and brutally suppressed the opposition may not seem an outcome we agree with but to invade and not undertake a lengthy rehabilitation of the country by encouraging democratically elected leaders to emerge to learn the ropes of government, is equally brutal.
When the might of the American dollar is brought to bear on any economy it produces a severe financial reaction, is it any wonder that weak economies flounder in such circumstances. The claim is that Madura's mismanagement is to blame for Venezuela's plight but my guess is that the bulk of the blame lies with the USA
It's noticeable that Russia has once again come forward, this time to help Venezuela, just as they came forward and helped Assad in Syria and much as they did in Cuba, in the 1950s. It's a dangerous ploy since it nearly started WW3 in Cuba as the Russians and the Americans faced off on the sea off the coast of Cuba. Would Khrushchev blink first or would Kennedy back down. Having lived through the period, glued to the radio as the Soviet fleet approached the Americans, it was touch and go.
The US 'dollar imperialism' (soon to be usurped by the Yen) is just as aggressive as Colonialism was and at least Colonialism left behind the infrastructure which, in many countries is still function well. Only in Africa has the system of trade and governance been allowed to wither with nothing put in its place other than corruption. 
Only in Africa and the current spate of black academics who came over here to study and gain some sort of prominence do you hear the continuing claims for reparation and an apology on the issues which occurred over 200 years ago. The slave trade, was hideous but it was was brought to a close, by the British government well before other countries who had engaged in the trade and well before Africa itself ceased the practice of rounding up and selling its people. 
William Wilberforce educated in the very university, Cambridge which is currently under pressure from black academics living here, and black politicians and assorted black minority representatives, who are demanding an apology from the university for the alumina of Cambridge during those days of slavery and colonialism, as if the norms yesterday year can be judged by those of today.
The working class in this country also bore the brunt of the terrible conditions inflicted on them during the industrial revolution. Should they also demand an apology and reparations. 
The constant reminder of the past and the conditions present at the time by the usually black minority interest,  does nothing to help community relations, just the opposite. The ordinary man and woman in the street has had enough and if the liberal conscience continues to be so one eyed then the rise of right wing parties, like the Brexit Party will continue to attract a growing following.

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