Tuesday 28 May 2019

Can we still hack it

Subject: Can we still hack it.
The Brexit saga rolls on with tonight, Mrs May making Geoff Boycott proud in the way she faces every ball with an intransigent straight bat.
Given the so called will of the people (17 million) her mission has been to carry out her own representation of that will. Her leave memorandum to the Europeans was tailored to meet the impossible criteria of pleasing opposing sides. Her document was so vague and consisted of so many platitudes to seek to do this and that as matters for future negotiation rather than agreements for immediate action. The Europeans were happy to go along with this in the knowledge that the negotiations would be just as bloody and one sided as the past two years have been and as unsavoury as it seems they hold most of the cards.
Parliament is riven into three groups. The largest group who wish we had never had the Referendum and want us to stay in. A second group who, recognising the democratic importance of not alienating 17 million voters,  wish we could cobble together a reasonable deal to keep trading with and stay close to the EU. And the third group, the die hard Brexiteers who, for various reasons wish to leave the EU, come what may.
Economics, nationalism, history, and the 'opportunity factor' of change, where there will inevitably be winners and losers. 
20th century illusionary ideals when, with a wind in our sails, we rode the seas of commerce doing deals as the second most powerful trading nation in the world and made a good living doing it. Unfortunately we were in thrall to Europe for 40 years as the advent of globalisation began to blanket the world with its neoliberal capitalism, we saw events snuggled up under the mother hen of Brussels, scarcely understanding the implications of the changing world. 
Now with a severely weakened economy, with scarcely any competitive industry, with the knowledge base long gone we are going to have to relearn, like a prisoner released out on the street for the first time in 40 years, just how difficult it is to make an honest crust. 
Will any of it have been worth it. 
Freedom from the rules of the house are usually sufficient, when young and active, to accept a room in the dodgy part of town but I wonder, with this old hide bound community which has been softened by nearly 70 years of Welfare if we can still hack it.

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