Wednesday 29 May 2019

The big democratic con

Subject: The big democratic con.
By stealth and subterfuge, the 'Remainers' seem to be having their way, regardless of what the 17 million voters wanted. Of course we have all revised our impression of the implications of leaving, the complexity has shocked us and the evidence of just how deeply embedded our economic well being is tied into the gut of European decision making has amazed us all.
The world we left to join the EU in 1973 has changed beyond all recognition. The methodology of how we made and sold things has changed, the financial interlinks, what we can and can't do has been irrevocably altered and whilst we sat back and allowed the changes to happen our relevance as an economic entity has shrunk to being simply, one of many in the supply chain.

The whole concept of a federal Europe where the decisions are taken not on a sovereign level but by the Commission who's interests are supposedly for the whole 27 nations rather than the individual sovereign state has always troubled us. Not having been defeated, not having foreign troops over run our land and brutally dictate our everyday lives has made the peace an inter relationship between neighbours less important to us than to the countries of mainland Europe.
Our own Parliament going back well before many of the 27 were even cobbled together into a national character, has carried the weight of many past glories and is unwilling to recognise that we have been overtaken in virtually all phases of national life through our reliance on membership of the European club.
To go it alone is a desire born of an assumption that we can compete with the global monoliths or even get a fair deal when we try. The global economy which recognises few favoured partnerships of the type which signified our colonial past is ruled by the banks. The ability to pick up business using the traditional trade representatives who used to ply their colloquial trade across many commercial counters, using their past experience and hard won personal contacts is no longer in our gift. The EU has done the horse trading, the EU has secured the deals on our behalf and the faces behind the handshakes are theirs, not ours.
The glide path to a secure landing in this Brexit exercise has been manipulated in Parliament to a number of preferential votes and the only one, which the Brexiteers prefer , 'to leave, with or without a deal', has been manoeuvred off the table. The deals on offer are (a) 'to join a customs union' which in effect means we have to accept the main pillars on which the EU is based, (b) joining EFTA which again is tantamount to being ruled by the Commission without a seat at the table, (c) another Referendum which it is assumed the Brexiteers will lose, or the total ignominy, (d) that we cancel Article 50 and stay in the European Union.
It might well turn nasty since the Referendum was explicit in its directive to Parliament, it wasn't a case of asking the MPs what do you think, it was an instruction to leave.
Voters when they return at a general election will not forgive or forget. Their options are limited at the moment since their are only two contenders, Labour and Tory but what if another party were to enter the fray, or UKIP perhaps vitalise itself into a party of the European protest vote.

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