Monday 12 June 2017

Tomorrow we shall see

Subject: Tomorrow we shall see.

"That's my life in living colour". A phrase I picked up in another  book I'm reading.
I liked the image, our lives in colour, smudged by memory, once so relevant.
The scenes in snapshot depict moments when we were some place, doing something. Life is like that if you let it. Chance occurrences, chance meetings, chance relationships all as flighty as chance. What if this or that had happened. What if there had been a delay in the connection, or if you hadn't read a signal that wasn't there or misconstrued. What if you had had the courage or if, having the courage, not got carried away.
And so we sit painting our memorial canvas, bits and pieces, scenes unconnected a dab of colour here a space there. Undistinguished yet distinguishable from every one else. It's our uniqueness, no two memorials are the same and whilst it might take an expert to decipher the difference, the differences are there.
The childhood with its reliance on two others, those others so different in their childhoods, different again in their priorities, making it up as they go along, getting some thing's right, some thing's wrong each turning their influence onto another person, you, another snapshot. This kaleidoscope of images and influence mixed with the subtle variations of political importance which form our world view.
Tomorrow is Election Day. Will it be 'Blue' or 'Red' two colours definitely at opposite ends of the political colour spectrum.

The national canvas will forever be changed. It's not a normal election, we are too far down the road from Clement Attlee's world of social equity after years of Tory/Liberal indifference. Mrs Thatches social garden in which only the 'specialities' would be allowed to grow and Tony Blair (son of) who guided everyone on the left into the centre with a world of promises and credit manipulation. We remained, right of centre as the Tory/Lib Dem pact saw the inherent power and crass political cynicism on behalf of the Tories in their dealings with the Lib Democrats, followed by the full assault on the social fabric of the working class by George Osborn. The people will not survive another 5 or 10 years of Tory indifference to their plight. The country and its institutions will not survive Mrs May, iconoclastic extreme. She is of a mindset seen in women where the truth has no value, only a blind determination to prove to everyone that they are right, at any cost.
From day one it's only been about her, not her policies. She casts herself as the hard negotiator of Brexit whilst painting Jeremy Corbyn as a crippled political pygmy. Her bully boy supporters, the main news papers and the news channel Sky have rained down on Corbyn from day one. Slanderous stories and innuendo, non stop character assignation, a cesspool of lies and deceit, it's been an almost continuous bombardment to which Corbyn to his credit has remained aloof, dealing instead with the political matters which should concern us all.
I have often wondered at the gullibility of the English voter, the insensitivity of so many Englishmen to their fellow countrymen. The blind assumption that the ruling class will see them right !!!

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