Monday 12 June 2017

Owen Jones

Subject: Owen Jones.

I have been a fan of Owen Jones since he burst on the scene as a young socialist airing his views amongst the more traditional views of the establishment press and media.
He defended many of the things I believed in.
Today he appeared in a regular news/debate program where reporters from press outlets from around the world discuss events as seen through their own nations eyes.
The subject was naturally the General Election and Mrs Mays alternatives as she defends her weakened position. To obtain sufficient votes to get bills through parliament
she has to seek an alliance with another party much like Cameron and Clegg did except that it was a proper power sharing arrangement with ministerial seats being shared between the Lib Dems and the Conservatives.
The arrangement that is being considered is between the Conservatives and the DUP (the Democratic Unionist Party) in Ireland. Unfortunately the DUP have some old fashioned ideas about women's rights, as far as abortion is concerned and their opposition to Gay marriage.
I didn't know until today the Owen Jones is gay. His ire at asking a party like the DUP to play any part in British mainstream politics is based on his irrevocable views on the DUPs views on the Gay community of which he is one. Suddenly this objective, quietly measured man is apoplectic with resentment about this party and it just shows  we all have our pinch point. He wouldn't listen to what the others had to say, the red mist was down as he tried to make a case for believing the DUPs position in Ireland, which is a domestic position heavily reliant on the churches position regarding Gays and abortion would somehow spill over into Westminster politics and infect the gains made by the LGBT community.
The fact that we have laws on the mainland, that abortion is tragically common place over here, that gay rights out score 'straight rights' regarding marriage arrangements and that there is no earthly appetite to set the clock back and yet he performed as if he were a teenager and had been refused the key to the door.
These issues go deep and distort our normal thinking. They are at the root of so much sectarian trouble and visceral hatred in Ireland and yet even here under the spotlight of the BBCs  platitudinal editorial we had a man blowing a gasket where none needed, all because he had lost it under the invisible pressure of some slight against his sexuality and the rights he has gained therein.

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