Monday 12 June 2017

Not a win but not a defeat

Subject: Not a win but not a defeat.

It's hubris what done it !!!
The vicars daughter, as with most of her species was an isolated person who growing up in sight of the vestry believed her own sermons.
As Home Secretary and then as a surprise choice for Prime Minister she wasn't collegiate, preferring to resemble Margaret Thatcher in dealing with those around her with an iron fist. Her attitude to European leadership, like her attitude to Jeremy Corbyn  was combative and in Corbyn's case, disgraceful. Her approach to this election like her approach to the Brexit negotiations was that of an egotist who believes her own pronouncements like the Seventh Day Adventists. Her script was all about "Me" and with her scrawny figure and fashion conscience outfit she seemed totemistic, a clan leader who had not yet looked behind her to see if the clan was still there.
This was a night when the ordinary men and women of Britain dealt a number of blows.
Nicola Sturgeon in Scotland has been reined in and hopefully her desire to seek another Scottish Referendum with it. The defeat of Alex Salmon and Angus Roberson, both leading members of the SNP should have been a wake up call to her.
The defeat of Nic Clegg the likeable, erudite ex leader of the Lib Dems exacerbates the demise of the party after its dreadful cooperative experience with David Cameron's Conservative Party.
The winner, no doubt about it, has been Jeremy Corbyn. 20 points behind Mrs May when she called the election, an election she didn't need to call but which her hubris led her to think that Corbyn's dreadful position in his own party and her scurrilous personal attacks on him from the moment the election campaign started would be enough.
Corbyn is made of sterner stuff he faced the criticism with polite rebuttals not character assassination but with policy arguments that made sense to the electorate already beginning to wake up to the revealed face of the resurgent "Nasty Party".
Of course this is not a victory given that the Tories have won the election but it is not the defeat which was projected. There is the nascent sign of a real opposition to conservative ideology, a buffer beginning to emerge to the right wing solutions which so damage the social fabric.
Not a win but not a defeat !!!

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