Wednesday 21 June 2017


Subject: Reality.

Is there such a thing as 'reality' as it pertains to humans or are our individual realities so personal that we are stupid to imagine a common all encompassing thing called reality.
The dictionaries definition of reality is :- "the state of things as they actually exist, as opposed to an idealistic or notional idea of them".
Since we see things through our own senses, which in themselves are limited, can there be a finite description of reality or is everyone's reality personal.
People strive to attain a sense of reality to make sense of their lives. They study texts and philosophise on the context of the universe and the minds role in understanding the universe but given we have that fundamental flaw, that we see things through a prism of our own making, we distort all our findings with our own prejudice, can we ever be anything but massaging the way we want things to be which often is far from reality.
If this is true, fact can become fiction and fiction always has a second-class tag attached because we feel it is tainted with a secondary individual's perspective. We value fact as if it were a true, idealised rendition of something which we wish to fix in our attempt to understanding of the world around.
But what if there are no facts only approximations. What if our worlds eye is so distorted it's no more use than a 'fairy tail' in trying to pinpoint what we would call fact.
If we are awash in assumptions is it not worth reining in our dedication to finding out truth and actuality and instead take everything with a pinch of salt,  better still, stop opposing ideas that are different to our own and learn to be a little more humble perhaps even more sanguine about the chaotic world around us.

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