Monday 19 June 2017

The female in Parliament

Subject: The female in Parliament

Having just watched a high pitched slanging match between the leaders of the Scottish Independence Party, the Scottish Conservative Party and the Scottish Labour Party all women, it strikes me that the tone of representatives of Women's Rights need some moderation and a modicum of updating. Given that the British Prime Minister is a woman, the leader of the DUP, who currently controls the parliament in Northern Ireland is a woman, as is the leader of Plaid Cymru in Wales, then the claim that 'women are not represented' is clearly bogus.
The Woman's Lib revolution which protested the rights of women over men in obtaining (by fair means or foul) nomination for more political seats in Parliament  is still in full swing, as are the changes to allow women suckling babes in the chamber,  a shorter political day and more family friendly hours, came about because women demanded it so they could partake in debates whilst at the same time be in the front line for their children's needs.
It was always suggested that women would bring a softer tone to proceedings. That they are supposed to be more conciliatory, less tribal, less ideological.
Listening to the shrill slanging match conducted in the Scottish Parliament today I was left wondering, where had those feminine traits of compassion, apple pie and motherhood gone. Let loose on a building site they traded insults like the best navvy. Personal stuff, delivered in a torrent of rancour, spite, hatred, malevolence and deep animosity which I might suggest represents those other traits which women sometimes display when they feel threatened.

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