Tuesday 6 June 2017

The Insider v the Outsider

Subject: The "Insider" v the "Outsider".

The "Insider" and the "Outsider" as sketched in Yanis Veroufakis latest book describing his political turmoil dealing, as Greece's Finance Minister with the "troika, the EU, the ECB and the IMF, is Orwellian.   In Larry Summers words, the "Insider" never trades his position with the "Outsider" irrespective of the harm or the logic of the "Outsiders" position.
The "Insider" belongs to a club where the unwritten rule is that you never 'grass' on the members. Their position of power is reliant on their exclusivity, their inner possession of knowledge and secrets, a Byzantine Maze of devious and surreptitious practice which is the cement  holding together the desire of the rich and powerful.
No amount of conceptual analysis will break through the protective bonds which tie these movers and shakers. No moralistic code of fair play, not even a whiff of fair play is in their nostrils when they go in to negotiate. The status quo has to be defended at all costs, especially when the costs are born by some else, and especially when the cost is born by the "Outsider", you and me.
Once inside the gates of the citadel you are secure that Alice's reign, or at least that of the Mad Hatter is impervious to common sense, imperious to right and wrong. Decisions have been taken, in the interests of a few and the "Insider" plays the game, or risks being thrown out to become what all "Insiders" fear, that being shut out from information and power.
The world is full of cabals and ghettos, of exclusiveness and division. How when I hear of plans to reorganise a space within an office I am reminded, the staff must not know. Intrigue seems to be in the nature of people the sense I know something you don't and implicit is that I become an "Insider".
It's all a psychological game but with devastating results when it effects the lives of people. The "Outsiders", you and me, are powerless, our needs subjugated to the needs of a few. Thrown the bone of democracy people are led to assume that they effect the power base when in effect the real power lies in the hands of an unelected few who will move heaven and earth to remain the real arbiters of our future.

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