Tuesday 17 February 2015

Whistle blowers

Whistle blowers are not a completely new phenomenon but since the Edward Snowden revelations and the pursuit of Julian Assange by the British Government who feel fit to spend millions ( I suppose at the Americans behest ) keeping him holed up in Ecuadorian Embassy based on spurious accusations from the Scandinavians about a rape charge, the particulars of which for some reason they will not furnish. 
Assange's real fear is that the charge is a smokescreen for the Americans to get their hands on him so they can take him to America to pay for making them appear the schmucks they are !!
It's also a sad reflection on America since it seems a forgone conclusion to assume "they" will bury him in their penal system for committing the terrible sin of revealing the dirty tricks that the American administration get up to. Not only against countries that can be classified as the enemy but also against ones allies with the information gathering power the US now has by having the entrails of the Internet lodged in their computers.
It must be remembered that a "whistle blower" is driven by the need to reveal what the State or in the case of private enterprise the Executive wish to keep hidden. This is not information that could be concluded as part of the normal process of business but is information that effect the ethical conduct of the way a company pursues its business. 
People who work for the State or Private Enterprise and who feel that their enterprise is being corrupted by illegality or bad business practice have a right to complain, first to their management and then outside the business to who ever they think will listen and do something.
Today we heard testimony from a man who 7 years ago, felt that certain practices used in the Financial Industry were corrupting. His attempt to blow the whistle led to his exclusion from the industry and when he presented his well documented case to the Financial Services Watch Dog they ignored him and swept his criticism under the proverbial carpet. It is only now several years later that his claims have been shown valid although not one person has been placed in court to answer to the law.
Corruption in high places is an oxymoron since to attain a position of power many must be thwarted, often by the dirty trick of innuendo and rumour within the Boardroom. Politics is Machiavellian in its backstabbing, slighting each other for position. How can we expect from these people that what comes naturally to them be routed out. How can we assume that there will be a Damascus conversion to transparency when their whole lives are based on lies and subterfuge. 

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