Tuesday 17 February 2015

My boy Julius

I see Mrs Malema's boy is causing a rumpus again. Spoiling the 'State of the Nation' speech being made by your revered President Mr Zuma, it was an act too far and in came the "heavy's"to eject the troublesome boys in red !!

Such a fuss, so disrespectful, so demeaning for the world to see the way we behave ?
It has always struck me that the 'hypocrisy' practiced in the leading democracies, Europe and the US, can only be carried out by well versed establishments who have entrenched their position in a nations psychic.
In the West we happily genuflect to the shibboleth of power, the power of Parliament and of those who reside in her. We even believe that this power is directed in our best interests and that the outcomes benefit us, except that we are often confused as to who the "us" refers to.
Does the Troika in Europe have the best interest of the Greeks at heart or are their main concerns the German Banking industry ?
Does the IMF and its compadre the World Bank have the fledgling industries of Africa at heart when they set their terms ?
Have we become so enamoured by the sight of an expensive suite ( I wonder what a 'collective' of suits is called, perhaps a wardrobe ) that we forget, encased in the suite is a person with all the failings we have when faced with too much personal power. 

"My boy Julius" represents the Untouchables of the South African Rainbow Nation, the people living in the shacks, the no hoper's, the disenfranchised, the politically disembowelled. 
His message to Zuma is, "where is the money that the Africanisation of our nation was to bring"?
Where is the 'trickle down', which was supposed to come in terms of services and jobs when the levers of economic power are in the hands of a Blackman rather than a White man.
If Zuma or the nation on behalf of Zuma can afford to build a large house ( I wouldn't call it a "palace" such as we have over here, the "upkeep" of which costs many times the Zuma spread ) then with an equivalent sum of money, release land and make the squatters environment something more liveable.
This is Malema's territory and the frustration is written wide !!!

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