Thursday 5 February 2015

Abortion a lifestyle decision.

The question of abortion has come to the fore again. Scotland now a semi independent country is asking its legislators whether the abortion industry has strayed too far from the original concept of needful abortion and whether it needs reigning in.

Obviously I speak as a man, a man who will never be faced with the decision other than as a bystander to a woman's decision about what is to happen.
There are many men who at the time when this decision was made, partially on their behalf, were distraught at the thought that "their" baby was to be aborted. They were full cognoscente of the implication of bringing a baby into the world,a baby carrying half the man's DNA, the strands that would make the essential characteristics of the child as much his as hers.
The law is very clear, babies are women's business (except the cost ) and the decision is wholly hers.
Initially the criteria to abort was to cover mental and other abnormalities in the child and possibly the mother and whether the conception was through an act of rape. Clearly the argument went, it's the woman's body and under these circumstance she has the right to make the decision.
Of course there are three people involved in this decision,the women,the man and the unborn child and its this last consideration or lack of consideration that all the controversy is about. As abortion on demand has became a lifestyle decision and women began to see abortion as, a last chance contraceptive device we have to ask the question, what of those thousands of unborn, potential human beings which are being scrapped every day ?
And yet we dither and dather about the right for a person, in great pain, terminally ill, to take their own life but as a society we walk hand in hand with the termination clinics as they go about their business of murder on an industrial scale.

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