Monday 16 February 2015

Enough is enough.

The definition of being paranoid is to suffer a split personality or many personalities continually moving from one persona to another never knowing who you really are.

Being English these days is confusing. 

To be English is to be asked to refute you ethnicity, to be constantly chivvied by the people who seek to influence us by suggesting that, as a race, we are pretty much a mongrel bunch linked to just about every culture, every ethnic strain that has crossed the planet. 
Or at least that's how they seek to portray us so that if and when we pose the question "this is our country and we should have a say in who lives here" we are shouted down with the retort that we owe so much to other nations and their cultures. We have no right say enough is enough and must rather, apologise for the past !!
It's been a very sophisticated piece of social engineering to redefine the ethnicity of natives of this country since regardless of what "societal engineers" would have us believe, there certainly are "ethnic" natives who in character and habit can call themselves English.
When I was born the great majority of the people would look at each other and recognise themselves as originating from this island for all its warts and poor habits.
After the terrible human toil of two World Wars the nation had a problem. We had become bankrupt. Not helped by American opportunism to ensure we were crippled and would be easily rolled over as the US embarked on its financial hegemony. We were forced into importing cheap labour from the Commonwealth and dressed it up as a repayment for the debt we owed the Commonwealth in the fight against Fascism. As we opened our doors to people of many disparate cultures and religious beliefs, the selling point was the wealth of diversity this influx would bring and rich the multitudinous spectrum of cultural would meld into our own to enrich it and make a better one.
The problem has been that Multiculturalism has divided the nation into a hotchpotch of cultures and beliefs. No attempt was made to identify and support the culture which was here before the changes which took place after the war.
The people who called themselves English have been let down by the Establishment.
The divisions which this class obsessed society has produced amongst its own homogenised people, enabled the functionaries in power to throw, to the wolves the ethnic poor and under educated in favour of the experiment. To produce a society made up of people from all over the world, each supposed to be equal but in fact, because they were deemed to be minorities, the immigrants were in many ways given preference.
The confusion the English man and women now feel living on this island is reaching paranoid proportions.
 I believe it was a factor in the Scottish wishing to obtain independence and renege on having to question who they are were a nation and what their values are.
Not the values bequeathed by the Westminster Bubble or the Muesli munching Political Correct intelligentsia but the real ones owned by the "ordinary people".
When I speak to a Russian he has a very clear idea of his nation, when I speak to a Bangladeshi he is very clear about his values, the Aussie loves his country, the German is proud of his Germanic background and the traits therein but we are continually asked to disburse any idea of our own history or cultural value for some artificial construct brought about by social engineering.
Enough is enough !!!

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