Saturday 5 October 2024

The making of an icon.

 Subject: The making of an icon.

I just don’t understand all the hype over Tailor Swift. She’s not a particular beautiful woman, more gawky than curvaceous and having listened to some of her songs I’m not particularly impressed. So what is it.

What makes Donald Trump appear to his followers a person they will follow to the end of the earth and yet to me he impersonates the facist Mussolini , what attracted the Poms to a man like Boris Johnson, clearly a man without critical substance or a ethical code and instead trades on an ability to quote Homer. What is it in our gullibility to pick a bad un rather than analyse the person properly and see their failings.

Of course behind each person there is the publicity machine which amplify the things we want to hear, “make America strong again” or “get Brexit done” in their world determined to see us wholly as a market of consumer’s.

Marketing and packaging is a deceitful industry and as with so much of the business

of promotional advertising, what you buy is not always what you thought you were buying. Now a days with ‘influencers’ in our homes 24/7 we are like animals in a pen moved around according to the tag attached to our ear, or at night, an infer red sight, just waiting to be brought down with a bit of the copyrighters skill at stretching truth and reality. We are either gullible or simply just ignorant wishing things were better and like the lottery ticket purchaser, not willing to consider the odds.

Of course by calculating the odds every time we wouldn’t get far in life but we might just avoid the heart rendering failures which pock mark our lives.  Some people chose amphetamines to get through the day, or a glass of wine others seek adventure and the adrenaline of high speed danger, others it’s simply a good book and a mug of coco. We are all different and so long as our decision only effects ourselves there is no harm done but as America sleep walks towards a second term more extremist Donald Trump Presidency with the US playing a critical role in all our lives in the world divided once more between the democratically elected and the kleptomat who wishes to hoover up nations to inflate their ego.

The Donald is already threatening Nato, our one consolidated deterrent against ideologically powerful forces, although I do confess the ideological substance of capitalism has screwed and distorted the world because at source it relies on human beings to be fair and considerate towards each other, but sadly ‘power’ corrupts us all. What were the democrats thinking in allowing Joe Biden to seek a second term, surely the Constitution had preempted an unfit person taking over the reins but of course, once again we are drawn again into the area of perceptions of what a leader looks like. Biden’s onset of age related frailty describes us all at some stage and so long as there is support, then life goes on. Given the personality of Biden v Trump I would much rather trust Biden to make a reasoned decision.

Anyway it looks as if we will be faced by what I consider an unstable influence far greater than Biden’s age since it is more accurately represented by  a phycological issue, megalomania the obsession of power and self important grandiosity. He potentially is a dangerous man  and that’s the last thing we need in a dangerous world.

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