Thursday 24 October 2024

Tenant of faith

 Subject: Tenant of faith

The organic nature of Russia, that intertwining of people into a nation is missing in the multicultural multi ethnic nature of England. It’s been bred out of us by the need of the dominant upper class to exploit the lower class by seeing everything in terms of a financial transaction.

The implicit trust of a nation for its ruling fathers to do the right thing for the “Nation” has never been a part of the English qualification. The Feudal landscape with its structure of anticipated entitlement through class was eventually subverted by Capitalism where the Barron became the CEO. The top down notion that decisions can only be hatched on the executive floor makes the ascendency to that floor so important that a schooling system was evolved that codified the accession process to mean ‘the old school tie’ was the badge of entry much like the handshake is to the Masons.

In non totalitarian countries the free market was supposed to propagate a free market in skills and managerial opportunity but the interceding nature of class marked out who was to be considered and who not. The need to be recognised as one of us rather than one of them made for a tight recognisable corset which included the way you handled your knife and fork.

The Russian, up until the Revolution were also Feudal with Serfs( peasant) controlled by the Boyers  and the nobility. The revolution re constructed society dramatically importing the idea of a totalitarian style equality with ‘The Party’ in charge. This sense of unity through simply being ‘Russian’ stays with the Russian to this day, whilst we try to wash away nationalism by importing the ideology of multiculturalism. It’s a Christian ideology based on the need to ‘assimilate’ which in many ways is altruistic but assumes the assimilation is seen by all as the way to proceed but with historic values based on religious Indoctrination there can only be a paper thin sense of understanding since the tenant of faith has to be maintained. The clash of culture even within a geographically assimilated religion brings internecine war and it’s from these regions that the immigrant fleeing persecution is encouraged to come. In the days before the trickle became a flood the assimilation of disparate ideologically opposed people was fairly dissipated amongst the local people (other than in the cities) but as generations build a recognisable strata in our cities, todays immigrant finds a home in their expat  community, not the the host nation but of one of these culturally isolated groups such as Syria,Iran and Pakistan, where religion sets the patten for any sense of indulgence. Like a ticking time bomb the ethnic equation, ignored, or feared, will not go away and the strength of a combative  socially absorbing faith led group will eventually convert us all by logic, faith or legal cohesion.

Just as we can’t comprehend the dismmemberment  of social services which used to be our trademark so, because we are too lazy to do the maths the context of our nation will change for ever.

The next question to ask is will this be to our betterment and if I cast my gaze over the hot spots in the world today, with the exclusion of Russia the Islamic world remains bedded in a 15th century practice of intolerance.

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