Monday 7 October 2024

The faces which make a crowd.

 Subject: The faces which make a crowd.

I wonder if there has ever been a more downcast mood in that Mother of Parliaments, Westminster as the Prime Minister , grim-faced  related the findings and the indictment of the medical establishment. His inclusion of members of both sides of the House in their tardiness to until now redress the crimes but for decades, even admit they took place.

The revelation of Josef Mengele style experimentation on young kids is almost beyond belief but we are being encouraged to believe any type of unthinkable these days.

Human life has a wide range of values and receives most support from the save life at all costs brigade of kind hearted Samaritan, to the almost callous ‘collateral damage’ appeaser. From the ultra liberal to the ultra religious, the anarchic social movers and shakers, to the pessimists who would bring Sodom and  Gomorrah down on the heads of almost everyone.

For once the gravitas of Parliament was captured by fine words but only after decades of turning their back and refuting the obvious, “there never are those so blind as those who fail to see”, but as the moment passed and the bickering resumed and the mental impasse of years of unresolved argument reasserted itself into tribal lines drawn to supplant where once there was a semblance of some sort of ‘conviction’ to politics.

On another tack the investigation into the Post Office’s treatment of its postmasters and mistresses drags on. Witnesses are placed on the stand and poked and queried by the KC into the why and wherefore their actions, so many decades ago, were cruel and uncomprehending. Some are light footed and, as Oscar Wilde observed, some do it with a smile and some with a withering look” but whilst some are righteously sure of their actions, some are just plain dim,( or feign stupidity) as was today’s  witness. She took the stand and proceeded to deny that she understood the questioning, a sort of “not me Gov” act ensued as the rapidly frustrated KC posed his opening question only to be faced by an equally trenchant “ I don’t remember”, or “I don’t recognise the document, what does it say, what does it mean”. She was not a high flyer, her job it seems was to have been a liaison between a number of post offices seeing they followed procedure and so her testimony whist not so important,  back in the day it was used to falsely imprison one of the postmistresses.

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