Monday 7 October 2024

Identity and how it defines us.

 Subject: Identity and how it defines us.

Who are the people willing to die for their identity whilst we manoeuvre ours away in a market free for all.

 Are we proud to be British or would we rather bequeath that title to who ever turns up and claims it. 

Does the sense of many generational links within the community not out-claim someone who has only just arrived, sometimes without any papers or proof of lineage somewhere else. Is the land we occupy and have done so for a number of Millenia not worth fighting for and if needs be, dying for, especially since the carefully contrived British culture is ever more at risk from pressure groups who belong to much more authoritarian cultures than our own.

We seem to be intent in throwing the British baby out with the bath water, unheard of in Chinese, Russian and Islamic cultures where nationhood is valued above all else.

One of the characteristics of recent British culture is to continually look elsewhere for our lead and following, to preempt and mollify conflict by continually playing the good cop irrespective of what it does to our standing in the world, we have become appeasers rather than being prepared to hold our feet to the fire when principles are demanded.

Of course there are many parts of our inner cities which bear no resemblance to the 40s/50s and 60s, having taken on a hybrid culture which varies even from street to street. These areas are as racially divided but without any governing ethos other than the violence of the gang and the weapons which defines them.

Cultural precedence is the balance between each citizen in a defined group and their standing amongst other cultural groups. When in a significant minority their place and aims should be that of the minority not that of a challenger and certainly not demanding rights over and above the indignant population. As visitors into our culture they should not seek to trash our way of life or significantly change the norms of our culture by imposing theirs.

Of course this poses the question, “have we not trashed our own culture in our craving the god of Mammon”.

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