Monday 23 November 2015

Pacifism as a badge of honour

Perhaps there is no room for an honest opinion, perhaps as we have become guided, by a press and a news media, for the gung ho approach to things, things which are happening in terms of the threat to this country from forces both within  and without the country.

Today Jeremy Corbyn has upset virtually everyone with his opinion on the use of lethal force within the civilian police force and his feeling that the killing of Jahidi John by a drone strike was wrong and that he should have been brought to justice and tried in court.

His stance is out of kilter with public opinion but it is not necessarily wrong for being so.
Public opinion is galvanised by what the public are fed and the current trend is to stigmatise everything as "black or white" but of course in a normal world, things are not so clear cut.
The people who are on the streets such as "Stop the War",  parading an argument for disarmament for instance have not only an up-hill battle in today's environment but in many ways carry the subordinated ideals of the peace loving common man. "Stop the War" for instance has questioned the blindness we have succumbed to regarding the issue of the shooting in Paris with the bombing in Syria.
People are in uproar when this was brought up and aired and seems to me an example of a dumbing down process, a propaganda against of any sort of transparent opinion.
The lifelong ideals of Corbyn are balanced ideals.  He would prefer to negotiate with his enemy rather than kill him. He speaks more for me than Tony Blair ever did.
His rational is impeccable in a balanced world but of course we are far from that happy state and therefore his ideal seems out of place when dealing with death and destruction, not only of ISIS but of the hideous civil war in Syria or the plundering of human lives by Boko Haram in Nigeria and the ongoing strife between the Sunni and the Shia all over the Middle East, Pakistan, and Afghanistan or the underlaying destruction by the American led West on all points of the compass.
It's hardly the time for the ideals of pacifism to have much leverage.

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