Wednesday 24 February 2021

The world awaits


Subject: The world awaits.

As we enter the eye of a storm, which by many reports will be the fall out of the American election tomorrow, the known unknowns are being paraded on our screens and over the airwaves with Biden predicted to win. The dark art of the pollster is once more rolled out to predict the result, polls and predictions, made so much more difficult in the US by the convoluted nature of a country formed of 50 states, each with its own closely guarded legislature, each with a different memory of how it was formed and the pressure put upon people living in that time during and after the Civil War 150 years ago and still raw in the minds of some voters. After the war the power in the country swung permanently to the North and to Washington but the ingrained resentment which was created as the 'pinkos' road roughshod over the Southern States who viewed mankind to be biased along coloured lines. It wasn't made any easier when the ex-slaves had a whole host of barriers placed in their way, not least in education, which led to  the ghettoisation of d a people and demanded barriers to the very idea of equality.
Donald Trump has coerce this group of old fashioned Confederates and left behind industrial workers who, soured by fears of being ignored after years of the Democratic Parties focus on people of colour rather than the white working class and will do anything for their champion.
Joe Biden represents a so called humanitarian cohort who see society as a multilayered, multicoloured, multi ethnic group the polar opposite to views of the industrial rust belt which, as the name suggests, successive administrations have allowed to collapse.
It's important to understand that the issues the people who voted for Trump, first time around, were for economic awareness.
The frenetic pace of Donald Trump on the campaign trail is so at odds with benign sleepy Joe. One has come to expect, in an American election, an energy to compete with the gross amounts of money spent but Biden has been, for the most part, hunkered down in his bunker content to resemble a Meerkat, looking startled to see so many people around outside his lair. Trump on the other hand has been in his element bouncing around from State to state like a modern day Svengali, seducing and exploiting the crowd. If it weren't for the crass nature of the man and his mendacious nature he seems far better fitted to carry the burden of high office but four years on we have seen enough of the showman and now need an administrator to take maters in hand again.

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