Wednesday 24 February 2021

Has Jeremy Corbyn become a martyr


Subject: Has Jeremy Corbyn become a martyr.

So they got him at last. Corbyn is kicked out of the Labour Party for saying what he believes to be true. 
No longer in this Britain can we say we have free speech, we only have free speech when it suites the real powers behind so much of what we believe to be British. 
I have long held the view that religious groups hold far too much power in Britain and that religion whether it be Muslim, Jewish or the Evangelical Church (which holds so many Americans in thrall), each has a dark side to its history. Questioning any one of these organisations should be the right and proper business in a mainly secular state such as ours. Religion, per se, should be questioned for its whacky foundation's, based as it is on scriptural writings written in a time when there was almost total ignorance of what had made the universe come into being and their insistence that the earth, this tiny spec in just one of thousands of galaxies haes any reletyrvance. Our Earth was caused by the gravitational effects on matter not some wise old mancome needing somewhere to plant his seed and it was Darwinian evolution not biblical creation which was the driving force for what we see around us. How long do we have to go 'pussy footing' around these religious groups who represent the original 'fake news' outlet which apart from the sociological benefits to believers have also been the root of so much hatred and terror in the world over the millennia. 
Corbyns crime is that he believed, like Jesus, that the 'money lender' was at the base of so much misery in the world. It played a part in his reasoning that socialism represents the the protection of the poor and that capitalism fails the poor. For him  a more reasoned balanced economy should never be left to market forces. 
His crusade for Palestinian rights vis a vis the State of Israel was his exposure, since childhood of the plight of Palestinians since the creation of Israel in 1948.  Of the unrelenting persecution of Palestine and Palestinians to the advantage of Israel. 
Historically the state of Palestine up until 1948 was the geographical region between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River and it was within this area that part of Palestine was sequester by the British and given to the Jewish people  as their new homeland.   Prior to 1948 the Arabs in this area were known as Palestinians and one would have to go back 2000 years to see mentioned of a  Jewish settlement. That's the official history of the area and no amount of Corbyn bashing, because he had the temerity to stand up against the Israelis for the Palestinians in their on going trauma and makes his case for a more even handed international approach, more than less valid.
The Jewish lobby in the United States and to a lesser existent, in this country is truly enormous and supports Israel in what ever it does regarding Palestine. That's not to ignore the presence around Israel of hostile Arab states and Israel's right to defend itself against them but Israels belligerence and overt distain of the Arab, which goes back to a period when a  tribe of Jewish people were forcibly moved from the area by the Romans and dispersed across the Arab diaspora. 
Corbyns reading of history is as biased as Netanyahu but the one living here in Britain seems unprotected from the forces at work here whilst Netanyahu is allowed to commit real crimes with apparent impunity. 

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