Thursday 25 February 2021

China searching for weakness


Subject: China. Searching for weakness.

To see the rise of China as a modern phenomena, something brought about by globalisation which needed the cheap labour and the Chinese work ethic to make globalisation work is short sighted. China was always a workshop the equivalent perhaps of the mill in northern England, a place where humans cast aside their independence and become allied to the machines. But this is to cheapen China's contribution since for 18 of the last 20 centuries China has been a leader in almost every statistical measurement from science to technological invention, from creative products  like paper manufacture to delicate porcelain that is still priceless in its refinement. Over these many centuries the GDP of China was greater than that of all of Europe including America combined.
This was not built on military might but on the assumption that China was superior to other cultures and that one could, when necessary, destabilise them by subterfuge, the art of appearing to go along with someone else's plan whilst playing the long game and weakening the enemy's economy by sating them with goessods which weakens their resolve to make and manufacture and eventually makes them subservient and dependent, a sort rof gift with strings attached which the Chinese, through centuries of cunning have tamed their opponent. 
To bring it up to date it's a description of modern China's hold over much of the world in its production of manufactured goods and how subservient we have become because of the practice. It wasn't something which just happened, it was a plan set in the historical substance of the Chinese gaming the system. Through 2000 years of Chinese imperial exclusiveness all nations were seen as backward and the ploy was not to destroy them but to make them subject  They rule the world, not by military might but a growing economic might and its difficult to see how we are going to get out of the situation given we have been encouraged to become little else than consumerists.
In an age of almost limitless credit and governments prepared to borrow and print money to unheard of extremes when compared to past monetary policy. President Nixon's government when came off the gold standard and let the dollar float to find its own level was a crucial turning point, as was the period of rapprochement with China, a so called softening of relations between the two powers and it takes an important historical perspective, by allowing the Chinese philosophy of divide and rule, in this case divide the American nation with goods made in china.
China's 'manipulation of contending forces', a millennium old ploy, has worked well. Her investments in countries across the globe has made her a player, far and wide actively controlling strategic industries and in some cases the very ports through which a countries exports and imports flow.
This is not market led investment, it's a strategic aim to provide an ever tighter grip on national economies who have been lured into the Chinese web of inter dependency.
Chinese money is now the root of the UKs ability to build a nuclear power plant and whilst we commit billions to the welfare, a supposably humanitarian example of civilised behaviour, the Chinese forcefully corralled their nation to stamp out the virus. This ability to plan from the centre and force their long term objective through, no matter the human cost makes them extremely dangerous adversaries since they trade to exploit our weakness.

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