Tuesday 23 February 2021

The genius of not being a genious

Subject: The genius of not being a genius.

The complexity of the American electoral system is brought home to us as the Presidential race narrows to a few votes. Each State is different with different rules and laws in their approach to the way they conduct, not only the ballot box on voting day but the way the votes are counted and verified. Unfortunately the labyrinth of byzantine rules and regulations designed to cover all eventualities only leads to more legal loopholes for lawyers to exploit in deciding whether the vote is a true representation of the electorates choice. Georgia, one of the crucial states,  has articulated a system of overlapping tests which are applied to the various categories of voter. The postal vote the absentee vote, the voter who arrives on the day in the polling station, even the votes which arrive after Election Day but have a franked postmark to show they were posted on Election Day. The size of the election form and its profile when copied into the electronic capture system. The backup of paper records of the vote just in case the computer system crashes. The ability to link each vote to an address within the state to verify the right to vote. The list goes on, as of course does the possibility of litigation which President Trump had warned he would use if things didn't go his way. No wonder he rushed through, prior to voting day, another appointee, Supreme Court Judge, Amy Coney Barrett to further load the bench with another conservative judge, just in time to deliberate the outcome of these too close to call election results.

If as a final backstop the Supreme Court is asked to deliberate it will have been Donald's greatest master stroke to ensure he gets another 4 years and whilst the Democrats screamed it to be outside the previous political protocol it was not outside the constitutional rules. Donald Trumps genius is that he doesn't care, it's winning that counts and whilst it might look unseemly to break with political etiquette, it's in the eye of the beholder which, if you are a Trump supporter he already walks on water anyway.  How often in our lives we wished to do something but stopped short because we were worried what other people would think. Our desire, thwarted by the set of rules which tie us to conforming with norms and mores which our culture and society demands. These often unwritten rules are there to bind our hand and make us more malleable to the protocol effecting a nation at any one time. These norms are changeable as different generations discard the old for the new, from dress code to sexual proclivity,  from the use of crude language to abstaining from smoking cigarets to the widespread use of other drugs. There's no start and finish gate it's an evolving field of human acceptance. Often it segregates the old from the young as we are forced to shed those norms which guided us through our childhood, politeness, and social graces are seen as irrelevant in the new contest to be heard as individuals. Trump is just another in the long line of people who, finding their way blocked will use anything to hand to ensure things to go their way.


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