Thursday 30 April 2020

When are we going to get mad,

Subject: When are we going to get mad.

One of the characteristics, at least of the middle class in the UK is the polite and almost deferential way we deal with authority. Even the press who's numbers are mostly made up of university educated middle class people have an aversion to getting upset with  and aggressively challenging the Establishment. It's bad manners inculcated from early child hood and seen as rude to argue with those in power. Every day at the Prime Ministers press briefing the questions get politely asked and each day the questions on testing get batted away into the long grass. No one loses their temper, no one challenges these ministers, equipped with their pre prepared answers, whitest we continually hear of the frustration on the front line from the health workers.

A women who works in the NHS related her story on the radio of her trip to one of the centres set up to test NHS staff for the Covid 19 virus. She had her ID and NHS card and her hospital employment number but on arrival was told she couldn't be tested because she hadn't received an instruction to be tested. Irrespective of working in a hospital environment work which is crucial since without the effort from all employers within the hospital the system breaks down and all patients, virus or no virus patients will all suffer. So if someone who works in a hospital and turns up for a test, for god's sake give then one.
It's the hide bound, centralised bureaucracy which gets in the way of making the system smart and reactive to a fast moving target. The woman returned home after the debacle  and immediately set out to try to get this approval documentation but who ever she rang no one knew either about the need for an instructive letter or how to get one. Only in our mad, mad, over complicated, over centralised decision making world can nurses and hospital staff be made to jump through hoops to do the proper thing and try to get a test.
Germany is testing 500,000 per week whilst we are struggling to test 8,000 ! 
It's ridiculous, astounding, criminal, that the testing response is so far apart, especially considering the procedure is vital to understanding who is contagious and who is not.
Not more than three weeks ago Boris Johnson told us not to worry, it was more like flue to which we had to let it spread and gain a natural immunity.  How out of touch he was, how incompetent how dismissive given that governments, across the globe were singing a very different tune.
How can the government be so incompetent, so scurrilously out of touch with the needs on the ground. It's a place which so many in the establishment know little about in this 'two tier society' where people are separated at birth into two separates spheres two different routes through a life where the only commonality is the air we breath.

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