Sunday 19 April 2020

Another shiny car

Subject: Another shiny car.

I suppose one finds that one of  the biggest divides in humans is the divide in their political views. One might think that religious ideas would be close but somehow religious controversy is sidestepped in that the major religions ultimately worship the same god and that that starting point somehow assuages the complicated differences each religion has. Politics doesn't have the benefit of a god of course or a set of stricture to defend, instead, overall it's an exercise in judgement as to the human condition and what we should, or could do if we have a mind to, to improve everyone's living experience.
Right wing or left wing, the extreme ends of the political debate are both lost in 'ideological premise' and being ideological it's virtually impossible to find common ground. The right wing conservative relies mainly on 'the Market' to find solutions for any economic disparity or in many instances is quite happy that these disparities exist believing they are the 'natural order of things'. The left wing Socialist believes that the disparity should be counteracted in some way, primarily by government intervention.
It basically comes down to a humanitarian issue "am I my brother keeper" or am I an individual who must fare for himself and not worry about the inequality I see all around.
Much of the way we think is the product of our upbringing and our economic surroundings when we were born. Our political mind depends often on the way our fathers thought about politics (politics, back then was mostly a gender biased thing) ones fathers  opinion was the one openly voiced in the home and at work. Things have changed now but when I was growing up men were largely the bread winners and mixing in a workforce, the discussions and disagreements were most likely to be influenced by the actual prosperity a family had gained and ones thinking developed either decrying the current economic system or Happy with the status quo you defended it.
Of course politics is much more than purely self interest it's a philosophical judgement on how you view your fellow man and woman. The issue of taxes, for instance is seen as either an 'imposition' or a 'contribution'. It functions relative to ones social awareness and the wish to provide revenues to protect the poor and physically disadvantaged. The winners are clear in that having an amount of ones earning taken identifies  you as having prospered to some extent through work providing opportunities denied to the poor and disadvantaged. If the wider context of our material wellbeing were properly analysed the contribution of taxes would be seen as a tithe much as the Muslim Zakat, (estimated to be the price of one meal) is a religious responsibility to the Muslim community at large. The neo-liberal concept of laissez-faire capitalism (every man and woman for themselves) has distorted our views on humanity writ large, as we willingly abandoned our fellow man for another shiny car.

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