Thursday 30 April 2020

Favouring the few not the many

Subject: Favouring the few not the many.

Every morning I'm drawn like a ghoul to the facts and figures coming from all parts of the globe regarding the corona virus pandemic. I'm fascinated by the hold it's getting on all of us and its seemingly unstoppable progress irrespective of what we do. The stock markets crash and like watching  a dying dog, the market twitches into life the following day only to fall back as the day progresses. The list of events which many people support is dwindling fast and soon the supporters will be forced into finding something else to fixate on. The television will be the first port of call with most channels reporting on the virus spree and the panic of a new dawn in which some of the things we take for granted will be no more. 

The economic well being is fragile and many of the small businesses, the coffee shops, the sandwich bars, the whole occasional purchasing enterprise outlet will be stripped of clients and faced with rents to pay, may foreclose for good.  The clear out from the weaker sections of society might be seen as a blessing by some financial sectors as it terminates their contractual arrangement early. The beds in hospital blocked for weeks by the sick and vulnerable will be reallocated to those waiting in the corridor and the flow of bodies through the system will regain some sort of fluidity. Having a clear out is always seen as a good thing, chucking out the old well worn wardrobe, making space in the cupboard so you can see what you have and need.
It's a question of need when you really get down to it, not to be maudlin  or sentimental the clear out is probably necessary, purging the weak to make space for the strong. 
The theory's floating around the internet  about who started what and why are legion at the moment.
The Chinese to hit at the soft underbelly of western capitalism especially as the US imposes sanctions or the US taking out their only competitor to bring as promised the jobs home  Iran or Russia, what about North Korea. It has always been the threat of the silent scourge, some pathogen let loose amongst the enemy and sitting back to see what happens.
Of course it might just be Mother Nature asserting her hold  and reminding us of all the false gods we create when we become oblivious to the fact that we are all vulnerable from a health point of view and even more so from the vagaries of an economic system built to favour the few not the many.

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