Tuesday 21 April 2020

Facebook in memoriam

Subject: Facebook, in memoriam 

Sifting through lists of people who form the interlink between many of the people you have known and the spidery interface you now have with their friends, it occurred to me that perhaps, 'there is a life after death after all'.
The faces of people who have already ‘passed on’ now regularly flash onto your device reminding you of them as if they were alive. It's like strolling through the church yard, the tombstones reminding you of their having been and now passed away "once seen on the upland lawn" now gone, leaving only an inscription in the memory of the people who knew them. And so it is with Facebook, an electronic tombstone, replete with stories and photos from the past. Friends grinning at the camera, celebrating the good fortune of knowing each other and being together. Recorded for posterity these snapshots are locked away in ‘the cloud’  on a server, a memoriam to a life you never recognised you were living but which lives on even after your death.
In sharp, mega pixeled images they far out do the hazy memory we have, inevitably blurred and distorted by our own presence, they prompt the memory to rehash those years when anything and everything was possible. The music and the testosterone which flowed, the chatter and the plans, the self image and the Emperors Clothes which for good or bad, we all hid behind. 
It’s sometimes a shock to think that so many have gone and yet remain so clearly etched in that moment, caught, often in an act of bravado, playing to the gallery as we often do.
We are such stuff as dreams are made of, our little life is rounded with sleep.

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