Monday 30 September 2019

The basis of governance

Subject: The basis of governance.

The archaic structure of this countries rules of governance which were created at a time when the King and his court were all powerful, centuries ago still hold sway in the governance of the land. The old statutes which are the basis of common law  can be unearthed when convenient to substantiate or refute the law under which we executed our business.  In days gone by there was no quibbling with the King, you risked losing your head otherwise but as Parliament slowly asserted its control, gradually cutting back the Kings power, he fell , in times of crisis on arcane tradition which the Palace had maintained from a time prior to the age of Parliament when the Court was all powerful. 

One such is 'The Privy Council', a strange construction of privilege councillors (private advisors) to the monarch which, when invited to join, the MP  joins a special club with its own rules and protections, a club which has special connections to the crown, a club which can therefore can bend the rules.
Boris Johnson has threatened to invoke a privy council loop hole by which he will be able to avoid the recent ruling of the Supreme Court. We thought the court had tied his hands but like Houdini he wriggles around a rogue amoeba, searching for a weakness to exploit in the body politic and, because we don't have a modern constitution and instead rely on law books full of prescient some dating back to 1066, any of which could be invoked to substantiate a counter argument.
The question which needs asking is, how can we find a secure foundation for a modern society, if the rule which apples to our lives today, can be countered by a rule appraised to handle a situation which arose, 300/400 years ago.  
The application of Privy Councils exceptionalism may be applied by Boris when and if he asks the Queen to suspend parliament again and there seems little to prevent it. 
Dominic Cummings the master mind behind the Leave Campaign said yesterday that the current maneuvering in parliament was easy, compared to getting the Brexit Leave Campaign up and running back in 2016. He is confident he has the measure of parliament and can thwart its wishes. His confidence is based on his long term plan of destabilising the nation creating two clearly definable camps and ensuring that by whipping up popularism to appose  the Establishment and particularly parliamentary democracy, when an election comes round the populace will follow the popular route, a route prepared in advance by the tabloid press. People often vote with their emotions rather than their head, raise and funnel the emotion with a catchy tabloid headline and the votes at the ballot box will surely follow.

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