Saturday 7 September 2019

Evaluating someone else's life with your own

Subject: Evaluating someone else's life with your own.

Short of becoming paranoid, I was watching the PMs Question Time on Sky television and noticed that as each MP from the opposition benches stood up to speak half the screen filled with a script telling us what the person did prior to becoming an MP, Nurse, Social Worker, Union Representative, as well as, how their constituency voted in the Referendum.
I waited in vain to see how when the  Government MPs stood up, how they were described but nothing appeared on the screen, nothing at all, no information on what they did in a past life or how their constituency voted.
If the program had been on  the BBC then I'm sure adverse commentary would start to flow suggesting a bias but being a private news channel no such constraint is to hand and Sky can do what they please. Perhaps repeating their status  ‘Company Director’ ‘Lawyer’ would no doubt reinforce the professional divide between the sides of the house and focus on the question of, who is representing who and which party is truly representative of me.
It's always interesting and informative to think of the reasoning why so many poor people vote Conservative, when the actions of a conservative governments are anything but in favour of helping the poor. Perhaps it's a psychological 'assimilation' question. If I vote for the wealthy I will become wealthy myself. If I eschew the stories of needing to crack down on the malcontents I will avoid any action myself if I align myself with the wealth rather than the poor. If the description of the poor has become so ingrained in the public mind by the stories about them in the Sun, Mail and Express, the papers I read, then I must sever all links and unite behind the deceit spewing out of these rags each day and, as if by osmosis, sweep away my reality and go in for make-believe.
The act of the use of visualisation to imagine yourself as something else is common in all of us, perhaps it helps us get through the day. But the crass misallocation of yourself into an alien part of society is a delusion which is harmful since you have to carry the lie forever. The disparity in your life and those you aspire to be must be soul destroying and here I don't mean you should not wish to have the things which the wealthy have, although I think much of what they have is material whilst at the same time, immaterial to the values of a balanced, well rounded person. 
The problem is the dichotomy of evaluating someone else's life with your own and wishing to be the other.

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