Monday 23 September 2019

John Bercow enjoys a fond farewell

Subject: John Bercow enjoys a fond farewell 

They got him at last. He had been a thorn in the side of the executive, he was hated by the front bench as it is called, he was blamed by government for putting them in a position where government had to gave way and listen to parliament and were therefore prevented from bulldozing their way through with Brexit.  
I'm speaking of Mr Speaker John Bercow that loud but diminutive man who was the important facilitator in seeing that members of parliament, particularly the back bench members had their say and ultimately held sway over Brexit. 
He not only provided the lead in running Parliament and it's arcane provisions but also the Herculean task of modernising the place. Tradition plays such an important part in the identity of the place, the pomp and circumstance which goes on and which seems slightly ridiculous to the outsider, is considered part of the mystique which keeps us in our place.  
Bercow, a Tory has been speaker for 9 years and whilst he came from the Tory ranks he was seen by them to increasingly side with the back bencher rather than the Ministerial ranks for which reason, the knifes have been out for him for some time. It's difficult to unseat a Speaker of the House since government do not have the power to do so but they got him by the roundabout route of putting someone else up as the Conservative representative for his constituency. All Speakers hold down a seat in a constituency as well as performing the role of Speaker, without a seat he had to resign.
Anyway on the final day before Parliament was prorogued, MP after MP on the Opposition Side of the House rose to their feet and paid tribute to him in the warmest terms. He had not only made it his mission to hear the views of the non executive members on both sides of the House but he had worked hard to prioritise the role of women in parliament being as an example the instigator of crèche in the Palace even on one occasion turning a blind eye to a mother feeding her baby whilst sitting on the benches. The causes of LGBT rights, and his support for many charities came to light in the praise heaped on his shoulders. He championed the admission of children to take part in  the House with their own parliamentary day, full of rigorous debate from the young school children representing both sides of the political persuasion. 
Speaker after speaker rose up to tell of his kindness in helping them understand their role in procedure and supporting them when they had been faced with personal crisis.
Yet amongst all this heart felt praise the Tory benches were largely empty, other than a few of the old stalwarts, their bitterness and spite prevented any sense of farewell.
It speaks volumes to the closed minds of the Conservative MPs who's power had been thwarted by the simple act of letting other MPs, including those on the Tory side have a say in running our country.

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