Monday 14 May 2018

Who knows how far a politician will stoop


Subject: Who knows how far a politician will stoop
Venal politicians. There is no other description of the political faces who were hauled in front of the television cameras to answer why British soldiers, now in their seventies, who 40 years ago, on active service and under the command of the Establishment in Whitehall are now being investigated for wrong doing on the streets of Northern Island.
90% of the killings in the time of 'The Troubles' were carried out by civilians. Civilians  on both sides the divide, the IRA and their Protestant counterparts, and yet no IRA /Provo soldier has been convicted, let alone brought to court,  whilst in the recent past and now the current investigations being initiated against the British soldiers, they alone are in danger of state action.
I say again not one IRA / Provo man or woman has been challenged in a court and there is no move to do so since it is politically inexpedient 
So not for the first time, the easy frame up of political expediency trumps all. The men and women who take the ‘Queens shilling’ and risk their lives in combat, not combat of their own making but supposedly combat to protect the issues which are seen to threaten the political sensibilities at the time. Not for them the fanaticism of a cause or the hatred of fratricidal policies dreamed up in the crazed turmoil of a civil war.
The thing which got to me most was the sight of the young well scrubbed MP representing  government policy, incapable of seeing further than his nose or the immorality in perusing one side only. The sitting duck, the soldier who's record of active action is part of the army's daily reporting procedure which now, outside the heat and fear of the conflict, are being -to see if, by modern standards (sic) he did the wrong thing. This 'politically' warped specimen fresh from the parliamentary benches  who spends much of his day debating matters, most of which are well outside his field of competence or 'hands on' experience, is now given the power to reigniting issues current before he was born. Perhaps the cynic in me might suggest it's all to find leverage in the 'boarder negotiations' with the South brought about by Brexit.
Who knows how far a politician will stoop ?

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