Tuesday 15 May 2018

John meets John


Subject: John meets John
What is it in the physiology. A man for a man or a woman for a woman what attracts Gay people towards each other. A man may be attracted by so many different physical aspects or features which make a woman a woman and equally the woman is attracted to attributes such as his looks or masculinity, the cut of his jib, to use a sailing metaphor. Perhaps there is no outstanding physical attraction other than a concoction of the mind where humour or wit, sensitivity or a projected positivity make the person attractive.
The attraction of a male towards another man, or female towards another woman such that they would wish to be intimate, to kiss (other than a gesture) is beyond me and yet it seems to exist in growing numbers. Is this because the procreative commitment with all its responsibility is missing and the coupling remains purely sexual. Is it because the gender differences are quite profound and the same sex interconnection is starting from a like meets like position where emotions are more akin to each other and do not have to bridge the gap of expectation which lies between a man and a woman.
That intolerable enigma where the brain assumes it is understood by the other party but years of cultural modification has meant the receptors in the other persons brain are programmed to reject or further modify what seemed a simple proposition.
One can assume that two men or two women are on the same wavelength regarding so many assumptions we make when talking, perhaps the instinctive protection we seek to find a safe mental harbour without the conflict of inbred misunderstanding is the draw.
One of the phenomenon of this age is the "outing" of men and women in their sexuality their preference for someone of their own sex to find a partner. Even given that in my own childhood the homosexuality laws made it virtually impossible to have a same sex relationship, non the less one can search ones memory in vain to remember anyone who was, as we would in those days describe as "strange" or seemed overly effeminate or overly masculine. Today one has to tread carefully not to miss the signs as men and women line up to proclaim their predilection. This bias can be even more difficult as some people seem to want to have it "both ways" a term which again, in my youth meant something far more innocent.
Has the rise of sex for sexes sake made an impact.  The old fashioned "I'm keeping myself for my husband" had its backlash on the male, reminding him that the implication of gaining the sexual threshold had ramifications far beyond his intent, tending to throttle back the natural impulse. With the pill and abortion available as a backstop the sexual advance is often de rigueur for a good night out and so the mystique of the opposite sex  is lost on the back seat of the motor car or whether both participants are called John.

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