Monday 14 May 2018

Boy meets Girl


Subject: Boy meets girl.
It occurred to me this morning that it would be a good idea to call  boys by girls names and girls with boys names. The confusion would seal the ongoing feminist clamour for equality since gender would become transparent in terms of the written and spoken word. The ambiguity of who or what a name represented would be complete, the growing sexual smorgasbord board on offer would disappear, other than for the participants, and the boardroom crisis would be resolved at the stroke of a pen since no one would know who was who without the furtive hand on the knee, which is now banned anyway.
Imagine the confusion as the 'year end report' is read out. Jane, (who is a man) takes over the chair and John pours the tea.  The stereo typing, which the feminists claim is a barrier to their promotion, is broken since John could be either man or woman which on reflection deals nicely with the Gay scene, amalgamating two confusions into one.
The tag or label we attach to everyone at birth, including the preconceived route we set each child upon takes its gender influence from the gender specific name or label we attach. Take away the surety of the name and we evolve a new way of looking at gender differences.

John is already doing the cooking and Jane plays rugby. If we didn't have preconceived ideas about what a Jane or a John should do, the the resultant 'mishmash' would fit nicely into a multicultural society where identity becomes irrelevant and the individual homogenises to become a 'social token' available to respond to what ever task is required by the economic needs of the society.

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