Friday 18 May 2018

Meghan Markle

Subject: Meghan Markle. 
Why do we feel the urge to undermine other people. In a typically unedifying scene, four British showbiz women harrying Samantha the half sister of Meghan Markle, who is marring Prince Harry this weekend.
I'm not in any way a royalist but I am a humanist and to see these four British soap stars the sort of mini celebrities who parade our tv screen appearing on a talk shows such as "Loose Women", a show designed to celebrate gossip.
Samantha Grant has multiple sclerosis and is confined to a wheel chair. She has been interviewed before by the media defending her family, as any daughter would. The family, not born in the bubble of aristocracy, are normal with a history of at least one black sheep in the guise of a brother who has been off the rails with drugs and violence.  
The press and media have had a field day exploiting the Meghan's family history for any dirt they can find. It's a pity they don't spend half as much effort in exposing the skeletons in the aristocratic cupboards, including Harry's family as well as the proprietors of the newspapers and media outlets who publish salacious title-tattle, but of course who are strictly protected.
As a nation we seem to have a penchant for the salacious, we burry our noses into the dirt and the pornography of our time and then seem surprised to find it exists in ordinary families right next door. The moms and dads, sons and daughters who have misbehaved  and strayed off the beaten path, a path which few would actually recognise but which is held up as the gold standard if you wish to marry a Royal. It's so disingenuous since 'The Royalty' are mired in a grimy family history, hushed up inconvenient episodes which would be embarrassing if they got out. In an age of smartphone reporting where a party episode is snapped and the papers have it all over the front page the next morning often blown out of context there is I'm sure, plenty of inconvenient footage if needs be.
The news hawks have railed at Meghan's Dad for being a bit of a recluse living in Mexico having been declared bankrupt and probably escaping from family and friends because of his shame. He had supported Meghan as she tried to break into the world of acting and it is suggested by Samantha that a little bit of "payback" from the wealth garnered by Meghan wouldn't have gone amiss.
My disenchantment yesterday is aimed at the shrill accusatory tone taken by these harridans of our small screen, these righteous women who's own lives might not bear too much scrutiny going into full pit bull mode demanding to know the why and wherefore.
I thought Samantha handled them with grace and patience. She was calmly informative and seemed to have a perspective on her family which was supportive even under the prying, disdainful, accusatory line of questioning she had to undergo.
Robert Burns comes to mind more as more as we watch the attempted demolishment of people growing up and living this hectic, often narcissistic life in the 21st century where probing for morals and virtu, which disappeared at the turn of the century is a lost truly cause.

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