Wednesday 16 May 2018

Self worship

 Fw: Self worship
The concept of a pure unadulterated mind, a mind which becomes clouded by thoughts and actions which are alien to it and which can be rationalised  and therefore to a large extent eliminated through the discipline that meditation brings is a useful employment of ones time if it is true that the mind has a kind of duality, the pastoral and the reactive.
Neuroscience would have it that there is no Garden of Eden no underlying purity of mind  and only the conflict of environmental experience to tutor it.
The distraction of facts from experimental knowledge gained through years of immersion is a dangerous area since the action can often out weigh the theoretical, especially when we are dealing with the essence of who we are. The mind is the mind and the brain is the step-parent to the mind, the outcome of all those electrical synapses and chemical formulations which in themselves are pinprick moments in time but which collectively form the essence of who we are.
Do we need to police these random stimulants to make something more benign, more social, more constrained by philosophical codes of social structure.
It has been the work of religion to codify what is good and bad within us as it pertains to the common good. There has always been an impress of authority on the common man to conform, to fit a social structure not of his own making and one which seems to be coming apart at the seams with the globalised mechanics of economic efficiency.
The search for inner peace and the realisation that we are in many ways alone even as we seek the close affection of someone else leads us to institute an audit of our place in the universe and here on earth. This tiny blob of matter so insignificant in terms of the universe we seek, like the Catholic Church to make ourselves the centre of everything meaningful, a last 'hurrah' before we obliterate our species in a final bout of narcissistic self worship. 

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