Tuesday 13 October 2015

The real world, held in parody.

Are the youth of today such a bad lot. Can we trust them with their future. It's a question that resonates down the ages.
From the time of Dickens and before, from the cast of Bronte with there, glowering faces, the 'old' have had grave doubts.
In some ways it's worse now since the age of deference have been well past its sell by date and the skills garnered in one generation are out of touch with the next, where can the generations find peace.

A young head always brings new perspectives and that is useful if it can be combined with the old perspective. The world in which we live is changing very fast but it still has its foundations in the past. The computer can speed up the access we have to information but it's what we do with that information which is important. 
Our real world amongst real people teaches us that we are all fallible and we learn these lessons from watching the society around us. If our society becomes electronic and the people we value are on Face Book we only see that part of them which they want to project. Like the stars of Hollywood, all glitz and glitter,  many are just as troubled as the family next door.
A proper conversation reduced to a text message sends a completely different picture. The message we receive is manufactured in our own head to be good but what if the person pressing send was glowering and purely going through the paces. Body language, that extra sentence which was not included in the text but which was nearer the bone, is missing and becomes a false picture of how we see the world. From an individualistic point of view this is not particularly important, but from the interrelationship within society including its leaders, we should fear the impact of the isolation which our reliance on the Internet can bring,

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