Saturday 17 October 2015

Complicit by association

Listening to a program on the reaction to the proposed new law here in the UK on 'incitement' specific to Muslims one thought,  as one listened to the voices within the Muslim community relating how they had been demeaned by for instance, having their had head covering torn off in public. The use of vile language towards Muslims and the aggression shown them, were all cause for a Muslim specific law which would seek to outlaw people regarding their behaviour towards this minority group.
It is incitement to disparage a black person because of their colour. It is incitement to call into question anything which questions the Holocaust regarding the Jewish people. Similarly the gender issues are fraught with trouble as is the issue of disability.
It begs the question on what one can hold an opinion and, if that opinion demands it, can one castigate and disagree with a minority group without getting into trouble ?
Of course in many circumstances one would assume that it depended on how you voiced your thoughts although this is not always true since.  To come up against a 'politically correct' Council Employee who 'demands' that an innocent remark, made in the privacy of a private conversation but overheard is offensive and the implied threat is that the Council will be forced to enact rules which were brought in to dissuade outright discrimination. People walk in fear of these Politically Correct zealots, knowing that management, craven in its fear of litigation will come down hard on any descent by the so called majority. So went recognition of "free speech"!!
It all leads to immense confusion made incalculably more so when, after the debate about protecting Muslim sensibilities in this country one learns of the imminent sentence of 350 lashes which are to be imposed on an old 75 year old Brit' living in Saudi Arabia for having been found to be carrying wine in his car !!
It is undoubtedly a Muslim based edict. It stems from an interpretation of the Prophet Mohammed and the laws of behaviour defined in the Koran.
Where are the shrill voices of the Muslim community decrying "this" atrocious sentence. 
We only know of it because it effects a person from this country but what of the other barbaric sentences which pass un-commented by the community in this country, unified under the one faith and apparently complicit by association !!

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