Thursday 22 October 2015

The China Express

Today we signed an agreement to allow China to finance and build a series of new Nuclear Power plants the design of which is in the hands of the French.
To entice their collaboration we have agreed to "double" the unit cost of our electricity price to the consumers in the UK. 
We have our sleek publicity man David Cameron explaining to us how fortunate we are to secure the deal and how any fears of future integration with China are unfounded.
He is of the political breed who can not describe to the nation, how a nation, which designed and financed and built the nuclear plants, now coming to the end of their life can not, 20 years later either design, finance or practically build their replacement. 
Where, how and why ?
Where did the designers and the expertise go. 
How could we loose the skills to build these plants. 
Why can't we entice our own financiers, given the sweetener that there will be a guaranteed price structure paid for by the British consumer covering the next 30 years !!
It's almost impossible to quantify how far this nation has fallen. We led the world in this field of high tech specification, in direct competition with the USA and now we are a beggar nation holding our hands out to nations who in those days were industrially primitive.
No one on any bench in Parliament asks, why. 
Are they all complicit in the move into finance and consumerism. Dodgy finance and reverting to a nation of shop keepers is where we have travelled over the last 30 to 40 years, it's been a downward trajectory and there seems no stopping it since the Keynesian philosophy of investment and modernisation has been rejected by successive governments.
Vote catching political gimmickry has been the order of the day and it's a long time since we had responsible governance with an eye to the long term needs of the country and not the market. 

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