Thursday 3 September 2015

Who needs experience

Throughout time all our bosses have been fools and all our leaders idiots. We have railed against them incessantly but to no end. Why can't they see my point of view or listen to my advice, it's so obvious !!
Of course it's another example of the way we are disconnected from one another speaking as it were on different frequencies filtering out much of what is being said for what is wanted to be heard.
In business the items identified for consideration are sometimes reversed in priority. Perhaps the cash flow is inhibiting another course of action which seems so obvious to those not privy to the knowledge. Plans for future expansion or contraction are usually tucked away out of sight and there influence seem totally frustrating to the uninformed.
There is always the fear on the employers side that the employee is becoming overzealous, is rocking the boat by introducing ideas that take the boss out of his comfort zone.
Youth is always enthusiastic to prove their point and many's the old head which has been shaken with the audacity of a new idea but find it hard to acknowledge the benefit. 
Experience which once was a touch stone of good judgement is now, in this fast moving internet savvy world superseded by You Tube. Somewhere someone will have made a video dealing with the problem you have and so what's the use of proclaiming your expertise through experience ? This is probably the first generation where there is no active superiority having been exposed to something and being able to remember how a solution was found. Simply type in the relevant search words and the combined might of a trillions of bits of information held within the Internet servers ready to be assembled by the Search Engine to lay it all out for free !!
I wonder if the surgeon checks his You Tube before cutting you open ?


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