Wednesday 2 September 2015


How do we practice the art of metamorphosis when in nature it has an extremely limited role in evolution.
50 years ago Europe was a combination of separate nations each highly identifiable, each with clearly defined borders, each with a national agenda.
The creation of the EU and eventually a single currency broke the singularity of the nation state and with the free movement of people across boarders the dilution of national identity began.
The "people" were never considered, this was all done behind closed doors as part of an economic package to accelerate trade.
The influence felt in small towns across the 'continent' of people who knew nothing of the history of their host country and probably cared less but had to be integrated and absorbed, was a stress which seemed to be of no interest to their national government who's eyes were fixed firmly on the financial benefits.
50 years on, to question the issues of integration is heresy. One is either painted a racialist or lacking realism in facing the massive changes to all our cities. The question of the 'economic benefit' and the skill set which can't be found locally and has to be imported is expounded ad-nausea whilst the pressure on school places and housing, not to mention the health service is driven into the long grass.
As Africa has woken up to its proximity to Europe the migrant flow will expand rather than wither. Africa is (using our western norms) a basket case with the turmoil of tribalism, religious inflexibility and despotic leadership. It's people's will naturally seek a better life in Europe (?).
Perhaps as we continue to Morph into some sort of social hotchpotch with identification limited to which ever ghetto a specific strand of people find some sort of commonality with, the rise of a tribal mentality will come to the fore and we will all begin to resemble Lebanon or The Congo.  

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