Wednesday 16 September 2015

The Last Night at the Proms

I'm sitting I one of those traditional English style establishments "the cafe" for breakfast.
The menus is pretty much the same format right across the country. Sausage, eggs beacon, toast with a mug of tea. Nothing fancy just basic 'nosh' for the English palette, served with a dollop of Ketchup and hot sweet tea, hardly paradise, but sufficiently satisfying to enjoy.
In London these cafes are filled early morning with the men from the building trade before going to site, later the pensioners and the welfare come in to while away their long day.
I am in Wales and this cafe seems the centre of a suburban social scene. Women and their babies, shrieking  their presence. The women shriek the loudest, the kids just throw their toys around, its  all about claiming attention !!! The husbands seem shell socked, mutated from their former selves they sit and watch incongruous, unsuited and ineffectual !!
Last night I went with Angi to the open air "Last Night at the Proms" concert in the botanical gardens in Swansea. We didn't know what to expect, whether it would amount to a classical evening or something else. Fortified with a bottle of wine and sandwiches plus fold up camping chairs we, (she) paid the £15 entrance fee and we made our way down towards the stage. 
The field was already filling up but we found a spot and made claim. This is an annual event and is run in collaboration with the Proms in the Albert Hall. 
Swansea has a site, Glasgow in Scotland, along with Belfast in Northern Ireland. The atmosphere is great with the indomitable Pom settling down in rudimentary surroundings, often under leaden sky's, sometimes with a rain shower, as it did with us, but indefatigable in their insistence of having a good time.
People come in pairs but often groups. They dress up with neon glow lights and then proceed to out glow the lights with more alcohol than is good for one. The booze and the piles of food laid out on camping tables means they are going to have a good time come what may. Just to our left and forward were a clutch of women determined to 'out shriek' each other and as darkness fell and the neons wavered about under the rapidly unsure footing of four double vodka's, it was party time !
I'm not sure if any of them had a need to explain to their husbands when they got home but hell, we're having a good time so who cares. We've all been there at some time and if you haven't, oh boy !!
For me there wasn't enough connection to the Albert Hall where the real aficionados were, plus the acoustics sounded so much better from the concert hall but never the less the local BBC Welsh National Orchestra were more or less up for it and anyway "the party was in full swing" !!!

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